potato fritters with a touch of chives
Potatoes are the common side for many recipes. These potato fritters absorb all the lovely juices of your meat or fish, adding more flavor and...
basic but beautiful rice
What more is there to say about a well-cooked bowl of rice? Simple, pure and such a perfect companion to a variety of dishes.
Orzo rice with or without fresh peas
Is it pasta or is it rice? Whatever you think it is, orzo is easy to make and results in a good complement to many dishes. Unlike rice, overcooking Orzo...
simple green salad with fennel
This salad is extremely simple and full of flavor. The fennel is what makes it so good….well the fennel and really tossing the salad with...
delicious leeks with white beans
Leeks are not something often served as a side dish vegetable but more often used as the base for seasoning sauces and other dishes. In England, serving leeks as a...
san miguel de allende guacamole
Guacamole recipes vary a bit depending on the region of Mexico or Central America. Therefore, I often take liberties with this recipe and may substitute onion for garlic, eliminate the...
luscious Burrata cheese with tomatoes or roasted peppers
Burrata or mozzarella cheese makes an easy, delicious first course or side dish for any type of meal- Italian or otherwise. The flavors of tomatoes...
crispy pork in lettuce cups with lime chili dressing
A recipe with lots of flavor and one that can be made well in advance- the flavors of the pork actually get better if made the day before. Served as...
homemade hummus with toasted pita chips
Making hummus is so easy that you will wonder why you ever bought it. All that is required is a food processor and a few ingredients.
An easy Lasagne
Why is this lasagne easier? Because Bechamel sauce is eliminated and only a meat sauce, mozzarella and parmesan cheese is layered. I prefer no Bechamel...
roasted kale with chickpeas
Roasting kale, as in this recipe, makes a wonderful side dish, complement to fish or meat and even a tasty snack. You can complete all the steps many hours before...
bold broccolini with garlic and ginger
The broccoli can be boiled the day before and stored in the refrigerator. Remove from the refrigerator a least an hour before and then prepare with the sesame oil, garlic...
delicious and super simple coconut rice
The coconut milk in this recipe adds just a hint of sweetness- not too overwhelming but nicely perfumed. This recipe adds just a light hint...